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December 09, 2009


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Bloody brilliant. I am definitely trying this.


How gorgeous! I made pan mee once but I never experimenting with gluten content of flour. And that sauce looks soooo good!


so excited to see this recipe here... i will be giving it a go this coming week.


i've not tried your recipe but will do soon. thanks for posting this - i tried tian shui mian for 3yuan (30p) in chengdu and it's the best meal i've ever had.

Joshua Armstrong

Lizzie - you need to crack on.

Su Lin - pan mee's still on the list for me to make. I'm currently homeless but I move into a new flat soon and it will be one of the first things I make. When I do I think I'll go for the same flour proportions as I did here.

ehbenoit - I've had some good feedback from someone that followed the recipe. Would be nice to hear if you're pleased with the result.

rob - I think we paid about the same when we had it in Chengdu and were blown away. Definitely one of the most memorable dishes from my time away.


Just made this and am very, very pleased. Fantastic flavor. Had to fudge a bit... no cassia bark or star anise in the house, alas. Added a bit of five spice powder instead. Still, nice smoky heat cut with pleasant (but not cloying) sweetness.

Joshua Armstrong

Glad you liked it Andrea. I'm well overdue another attempt. I think with the fennel seeds, cassia and star anise it's getting very close to 5 spice anyway and definitely tastes that way, even if you use the separate ingredients.



I've been meaning to post a follow up comment regarding my preparation of tian shui mian. the sauce came out fantastic, and the noodles were lovely. I should have used my hand crank pasta machine to ensure the evenness of noodle thickness, but otherwise they were fine. the sauce won raves with my everyone at the table... thanks for all the trouble you went through to post this recipe!!


Joshua Armstrong

Glad it went down well. My pleasure.


these look really, really gorgeous, carbs and chili, my two fave things. i stumbled upon your blog via Lizzie and Su-Lin- happy to have found it. Adore SE Asian food (and burgers, too, that's a great post as well). best wishes, shayma

Joshua Armstrong

That's a fine choice of favourite things Shayma. Lizzie did give me some great publicity this week. Glad you've found the blog, I'm a fan of your blog (keep meaning to make those potatoes fried with cumin and chili) so nice to see you're reading mine too.

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