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May 04, 2010


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Great detail and informative post!
Must go for sure! I love durian!!! And Hainan Chicken Rice - one of my favourite dishes - ever!

Ian Marshall

Hello mate, nice post. It was a great feast and I'm a total Malaysian food devotee like yourself.
My photos aren't as good as Luiz's though..!


I'm also a HUGE fan of Malaysian food (and I'm also Malaysian, period) and Kiasu is my favourite in London. Others (C&R, Kopi Tiam, Rasa Sayang, Satay House) just don't measure up. Recently I went to Sedap whose food is AMAZING but the serving sizes are very small... and also went to Awana where the food is ok but the service is hopeless and at £50 a head (YES £50 A HEAD!!!) that's just crazy for Malaysian food! Go Kiasu! :)

Joshua Armstrong

Leluu - if you're like durian and chicken rice it's made for you

Ian - it was a nice meal, I did well on Luiz's photos

Catty - a fellow fan, I've not been to many places Malaysian places in London but Kiasu was definitely nice. £50 a head does seem crazy, whenever I eat Malaysian I can't help comparing the prices to the 1 ringit roti canai and 4 ringit noodles in KL.


Dear Mr Armstrong - I am not like a durian or chicken rice. Thanks very much.
Yours truly, Leluu.

The London Foodie

Excellent post, and it was great meeting you there! Thank you for mentioning my blog.

Luiz @ The London Foodie

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