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October 07, 2010


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It looks delicious. Now all we need is one to open in Fitzrovia please. Or you could do a delivery service on your bike... :)

Joshua Armstrong

You got through that post quick, looking at how long I babbled on for I'm surprised you made it to the end.

Actually, did you just skim the pictures?

The Grubworm

This is good to know. Having tried - and been disappointed - by Banh Mi Bay's version (altho i since heard they've improved their baguettes) I'm still on the hunt for a decent banh mi. And this is only a couple of stops away. Think i'll finish early one day and hop along to have a taste.

Joshua Armstrong

I'd heard that Banh Mi Bay baguettes were poor, too chewy and heavy, but went down in the name of research a month or so ago and was offered French style or Vietnamese style. I went for Vietnamese style - obviously - and was very pleasantly surprised. It had the lightness that I was after and I thought the fillings were good too. I think they must've listened to criticism.


I like her determination in creating the perfect baguette for banh mi. What are their opening hours like?

Mr Noodles

The summer rolls look well good! Do they do bun here?


I've never had the pleasure of tasting the proper Vietnamese style pointed baguette, which is a shame. There is a place near my work in Camberwell, Cafe Bay, which is an oasis in a sea of bad eateries but their banh mi is just a bit crap, really. Oh the joys of working in Camberwell.

Joshua Armstrong

Su-Lin - think it's a lunch time through afternoon affair, although they're trialing morning opening for coffee at the minute, and the Vietnamese coffee definitely makes a nice change from Starbucks in the morning.

Mr Noodles - they have bun, yep. You can rice or rice noodle with various toppings on top. Not that I've had it but read on London eating they've that they're doing a special Bun Bo Hue (spicy bun soup from Hue if you don't know it) at the minute and will keep it on if popular.

Helen - the baguettes really vary as you travel through Vietnam, the north to middle has the long pointed ones but heading south they got quite short and stubby. Long and pointy for me all the way (maybe as they were the first I had over there). The West End is a bit of a banh mi dessert too, have to start moving toward the city to find them.


Do you know if they're open on weekends?

Joshua Armstrong

I don't, my guess would be no though as it's a ghost town around there. They're on twitter if you want to ask them.



I tried the place on Theobalds Road on Saturday and they'd run out of Viet baguettes. The flavours were still great but I wasn't happy about the bread - clucking to try the real thing.

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